One of the prime benefits that you stand to enjoy is that you will not have to close shop. You can remain in charge and dedicate yourself to settling it out with your creditors and get your business back to its feet. It pays to understand that being declared bankrupt does not mark the end of your venture and you can still thrive after this.
Even after you a petition is filed, your operations will not need to stop. You will be in charge of operations, though you would not have as much control as you did in the past. In this case, you would need to get court approvals to make any major decisions on behalf of your company.
A court approval will be necessary before you bring in a new team of employees, sell company assets or move your business to another premise. You will also need to get permission before borrowing loans with the intention of increasing your operating capital. If the courts see a need for you to get a loan, your lender would be given superiority. This means that the loan acquired has to be settled before you pay any unsecured debts.
It is not necessary for your company to be pushed into filing for bankruptcy. You can do this voluntarily instead of waiting until the debtors file a petition. In a situation that is involuntary, three or more creditors team up and file a petition that you can legally contest. Contesting a petition would deprive you of the chance to ho about business as usual during the period when the proceedings are underway.
You may also want to know that it is not the debtor in possession that is in charge of creating a reorganization plan. You would be offered the opportunity to give your own proposals and they will only be considered if your plan seems to be practical and in the best interests of your creditors. The courts could give you 120 days, more or less to create a plan and submit it.
You may want to work with a seasoned lawyer when creating your reorganization plan. You want to propose practical terms that suit both you and your creditors. In any case, a plan will only be approved if your creditors are happy and promised of getting their money. As a matter of fact, they will want an equal amount or more money than they could get if you file for bankruptcy under Chapter 7.
Finally, you need to understand that creditors are not treated equally. The secured creditors have to be paid an amount that is not less than the market value of the collateral they hold. On the other hand, unsecured creditors are less prioritized under a debt reorganization plan.
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