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vendredi 27 juillet 2018

Questions About Retirement, By Robert Jain, To Simplify The Planning Process

By Jason McDonald

As Robert Jain and other authorities on finance can attest, retirement planning takes time and effort. Not only do you have to make an effort to save, but you must have a firm understanding of your financial situation in general. With this in mind, it may seem like planning for the future is impossible. However, for those that are willing to give it a shot, here are a few important questions that are worth asking.

"At what age should I retire?" This is dependent on numerous answers, as authorities on finance like Bob Jain will tell you. While it's been said that 65 is the median age, not everyone retires at the same time. For example, if you work in a bustling industry with a lavish job, chances are that you can retire even earlier, depending on how early you start saving. Simply put, your age of retirement should be whenever you feel comfortable leaving the workforce.

"When is the best time to start planning?" Ideally, you'll want to start planning for retirement once you land a full-time job. Depending on your employer, you may be able to benefit from a savings plan, even if you have to wait a year or so to take advantage of it. Saving money earlier in life will allow you to build a retirement account sooner. Ergo, it'll be easier for you to retire at an age that you'll feel comfortable leaving the workforce.

"What type of retirement savings account is best for me?" This is where ample research will be required on your end. With so many types of accounts to consider, it may be difficult to determine which one is best for your individual needs. The simple IRA plan works best for many employees, as their contributions are often matched by employers. Others prefer 401(k) plans due to their flexibility, especially when it comes to how it rolls over into other places of employment. Ask your insurance agent for further details about plans such as these.

"I'm saving trouble saving money; what should I do?" One of the best ways to go about cutting costs is by looking at what you're spending. While there are certain expenses that can't be eliminated, utilities and travel included, there are others you can do without. For instance, if you have a membership to a health club you don't attend, you may want to cancel it. Even if the savings seem minimal on the surface, they will add up before you know it.

About the Author:

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